Want to Know More About Neurotherapy?
Neurotherapy is a medication free and non-invasive form of treatment involving neurostimulation and brain training, which can lead to enhanced emotional, cognitive, and behavioral regulation and efficiency. This type of therapy is effective in addressing ADHD, anxiety, depression, and autism in addition to many other conditions.
Our neurotherapy process is like learning to ride a bike. Initially, you’ll need training wheels to guide you. Neurostimulation is like training wheels on a bike. The brain copies the frequencies of energy it is given. The brain responds well to low levels of electromagnetic field (EMF) energy delivered in frequencies the brain craves. In this way, we demonstrate to the brain what we would like it to do. We then remove the training wheels and reward your riding capabilities with neurofeedback. Your brain learns how to optimally function by mimicking the activity it is asked to make, and in time, it learns to create this activity on its own. We often begin intensively (between two and five sessions weekly). The degree of intensity depends on the severity of the condition. We have learned that, in some cases, undergoing one session per week at the onset of therapy does not produce reliable results. Over time, we reduce the number of sessions until the individual’s brain is behaving in the desired way, reliably and sustainably. Your brain then knows how to behave just like you know how to ride a bike (once you’ve learned).
Brain Mapping is the first step in our assessment process. A quantitative EEG (QEEG) is a brain map. This is an electrical measurement, analysis, and quantification of one’s brainwaves. Brainwaves are the brain’s verbing, or the action potentials of the brain. We first gather the raw EEG data, and then we process it through a normative database, which is a database of healthy individuals’ brainwaves of the same age and gender as the client. This data allows us to identify the specific brain locations and activity patterns that need to be addressed in order for the individual to feel and think better.