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Resource List:

Our practitioners have a compiled a non-exhaustive list of resources we are comfortable recommending to our clients. Links are "clickable."


Books/Websites for Parenting Kids from Hard Places:

For Parents of Children with Special Needs:

Texas Parent to Parent:


 ***Texas Parent to Parent (TxP2P) is committed to improving the lives of Texas children who have disabilities, chronic illness, and/or special health care needs. TxP2P empowers families to be strong advocates through parent-to-parent support, resource referral, and education. In addition, TxP2P educates professionals about the unique needs of our children with the goal of improving care and opportunities for our children. Lastly, TxP2P is dedicated to championing the efforts of a diverse set of parent support groups and advocacy on behalf of our children’s well-being.




Developmental Milestones:

Typical Developmental Milestones


Ages and Stages




Mental Health In Children:

Workbooks for Children:



Bad Habits




Sleep Problems


Social Anxiety






Accepting Imperfection


Overcoming Negativity




Autism Spectrum Disorder:

General Resources for Parents:

Mental Health In Adults:



Depression Fact Sheet (NAMI)




Anxiety Fact Sheet (NAMI)


Bipolar Disorder






Search for Resources:

Need and Inpatient Treatment Center? Search here


Need Resources to Help with Addiction? Click here


Need Resources to Help with Alcoholism? Click here




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